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We know what you did

publicado el 2.12.2008 por Antonio Muñoz
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Programa televisivo elaborado por nuestras periodistas desplazadas al Reino Unido

La versión inglesa del conocido programa de la Sexta "Se lo que hicísteis" realizado por nuestras colaboradoras

Ángela López

Estefanía Molina

Estrella Peral

Miriam Troyano

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Programa televisivo
Cargado por eulerfourier

The winnwe of the last week contest was Raúl Bellota.

We remembered you the contest consisted of send us famous English legends.
The winning legend has been "Pendle witches legend"


Every year tens of thousands of people visit Pendle to take in the spectacular countryside and spellbinding story of the Pendle Witches, the most famous witches in the land.

Over four hundred years since the imprisonment, trial and deaths of the Pendle Witches people are as fascinated as ever and some people even remain on the summit overnight just to take in the atmosphere.

In Lancashire, the victims include two rival families led by two, poverty-stricken old women, Demdike and Chattox. The path to disaster for these two, and the rest can be traced to a day in March 1612 when old Demdike’s granddaughter Alizon Device, begging on the road to Colne cursed a pedlar. Device then ordered a black dog that suddenly appeared to lame him. Device was brought before the local magistrates when she confessed to being a witch and implicated others.

The winner of the next week contest will be who take the best famous English monument photograph.

Este artículo pertenece a las categorías: 2008 / 2009 | Alumnado | Cuarto de Secundaria | Inglés | Programación Didáctica
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